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Ten things you should avoid in a powerlifting gym (part 1)

Posted by Marie Curtis on
Ten things you should avoid in a powerlifting gym (part 1)

64534504 - athletic woman performing a functional exercise with kettlebell.

With the increasing popularity of the fitness lifestyle, it has become more and more relevant to revisit the fundamentals of fitness. Here is some helpful advice about things that you should avoid in a powerlifting gym in order to not only maximize your success in the gym but also tick off as few people as you can.

1. Use a bar but do not know its purpose

Remember that not all weightlifting bars are created equally. You don’t want to bench or squat with a deadlift bar for instance and there are bars of various quality which shouldn’t be used with chains or for other things. So make certain to ask someone who works there or somebody else who doesn’t seem too busy to elucidate which bar is that purpose as there are usually many various bars.

2. Get Too Close To Someone Lifting

Keep a couple of feet faraway from anyone who is lifting heavy weight or any weight for that matter. Be observant and conscious of the space around you because accidents can and do happen, and you don’t want to be the cause. Not keeping your distance is additionally an honest thanks to getting yelled at.

3. Talk Someone’s Ear Off

Some people like to talk while others don’t. It is normal because we are all different.  But remember that a lot of people within the powerlifting gym try to urge in their workout so that they can leave soon and keep it up with the rest of their day. Not everyone wants too or has the time to speak for an hour between exercises but sometimes the person being held hostage doesn’t want to return off as rude by cutting that person off or telling them that they’d like better to train without interruption.

4. Complain If Someone Is Taking Longer Between Sets

It’s a powerlifting gym and powerlifting usually involves longer rest periods since the main target tends to get on strength. So, thereupon being said, don’t complain and if anything you’ll probably even ask to figure in if you’ll hang with the person lifting as it’d be annoying to require off and replace the weights counting on the strength differences.

But in many cases, there should be several different areas open with the equipment you would like.


Top Tips for Weight Lifting Beginners

Posted by Marie Curtis on
Top Tips for Weight Lifting Beginners

Want to make the best use of weightlifting gear that is gathering dust in your basement and obtain in better shape? Here are seven top tips for weight lifting beginners.

1. Choose a goal

Firstly, you must make clear that what you want to achieve through weight lifting. Do you want to slim down, bulk up, or get more defined? Once having known well your goal, set a time-frame and attempt to achieve it as specific as possible.

2. Keep the proper attitude

Once you’ve set up a goal, keep focused thereon. Post it on your wall or set it on your phone alarm to assist you retain your goal in mind. Try to find someone to figure out with to assist keep you focused and accountable.

3. Know your limits

Start light. Remember, even Arnold Schwarzenegger had to start out somewhere! Lifting heavy weights with fewer repetitions helps you build muscle size and mass, whereas lifting lighter weights with more reps tones muscles.

4. Keep increasing the load

Although you’ll need to begin with lighter weights, don’t grind to a halt during a routine where you retain lifting an equivalent amount. Gradually increase the quantity you lift. Try working towards adding 10 pounds every month to your bench presses.

5. Don’t overdo it

Don’t lift a day. You would like a minimum of two days of rest to permit your muscles to heal. Beginners should try lifting every other day. Also, confirm to urge enough sleep, because without adequate rest you won’t build muscle.

6. Keep proper posture

If you’re doing many lifting, but using poor technique, you’re wasting some time. Ask your training partner to critique your technique, or compute ahead of a mirror.

7. Practice proper nutrition

Remember the GIGO principle: Garbage in, garbage out! Drinking a whey protein shake right after understanding helps your body build muscle (without enough protein you can’t build muscle mass) but nutritional supplements won’t replace eating right and doing the diligence of doing the lifting itself.