Five Significant Health Benefits of Weightlifting

Five Significant Health Benefits of Weightlifting

Weightlifting seems to be a daunting thing at first, but like anything else, when you give it time and practice it regularly, it will pay off for the rest of your life. Nowadays, many people are practicing weightlifting as a way to keep fit and healthy because it has a lot of benefits for adults of all ages and genders. Here are five health benefits of weightlifting when you make it a part of your workout routine.

1. Injury prevention

Weightlifting is one of the most effective ways to increase bone density and build muscles mass. It is important to build stronger bones to reduce the risk of fractures. This is the reason why if runners skip on strength training activities, they can end up injuring their knees and other body parts as well.

 2. Healthier heart

A recent study has shown that spending less than an hour on weightlifting each week could reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke by 40 to 70 percent. This might boost your cardiovascular health better than running. However, for optimal physical fitness, it is recommended that you should perform both types of exercise, for example, strength training and aerobic activity.

3. Burn calories

Technically, a cardio session burns more calories than a weightlifting one. However, weightlifting can help build muscle, meaning that you will burn calories even while at rest. Following a high-intensity weightlifting session can be considered as the afterburn effect.

4. Diabetes management

Particularly, those who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should include weightlifting or some other forms of strength exercises in their routine. Experts advise that you should tone your muscles in order to better control blood glucose levels.

5. Mental wellbeing

While it is clear that aerobic exercise has certain mental health benefits, the literature shows that weightlifting can also lift your spirits. According to a meta-analysis taken in 2017, weightlifting is linked to a significant anxiety reduction.